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Friday, July 10, 2009

An Unreasonable Attachment

I'm not a sports fan.

I was out of college before I understood what 'downs' were in football. In spite of being surrounded by hard-core Carolina basketball fans, I've never learned to appreciate the strategy and beauty that I'm told are part of the game. And golf?

As if.

So why am I totally enamored with Harlan Coben's suspense/thriller series about Myron Bolitar, a sports agent, all of whose clients are (obviously) athletes ?

Probably because Coben manages to be both extremely funny and extremely serious. Bad things happen and Coben makes us care -- while the indomitable Myron Bolitar with his tender side and his smart ass humor is a guy after my own heart -- in spite of the sports thing.

And then, even more improbably, I am completely fascinated by Myron's sidekick, Win (that would be Windsor Horne Lockwood III,) the psychotic preppie. Oh my, this is quite a fella -- but as the series develops, we find out the reasons for his . . . quirks.

As I've mentioned before, when I'm writing I still have to read -- with breakfast, with lunch, in the bath, before falling asleep -- and I tend to pick up books I've already read so I don't race through to find out what happened.

I've been re-reading my own Signs in the Blood, just to remind myself of what I've said previously (after four years some of it is a bit hazy.) But the other night, I felt in the mood for something different and picked up Back Spin which I've already read a couple of times -- and I'm hooked all over again.

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