This is, of course, Sweet Annie, one of my favorite subjects. She has an ear infection right now. She always has ear infections. Apparently that is a lab thing...they always get them. Dogs with hanging ears in general are more prone to them, and dogs who swim a lot.
Annie leaves us lots of this around our yard. I make the boys scoop it up once a week before our mowers come (because the image of poop flying through the mower and around our yard is slightly terrifying). Also, dog poop carries diseases, especially ringworm, which can cause blindness if untreated. Dog poop can also possibly pollute ground water. Lovely, huh? Sorry for the close up of it, but it's for the sake of science...or my hobby...
A knot in a tree at our playground. Do you know the story behind the supersition "knock on wood?" Well, we do it to avoid bad luck or evil consequences, right? Apparently it dates back to pre-Christian rituals involving the spirits of sacred trees such as the oak, ash, holly or hawthorn. There is, I’m told, an old Irish belief that you should knock on wood to let the little people know that you are thanking them for a bit of good luck or to let the wood spirits who live IN the tree you are thankful.
I have no idea what kind of flowers these are, because I don't speak plant. But, I'm trying to learn.
These rocks are what makes up the surface of our playground, which after some reading, I realize is NOT safe. Wood chips, mulch, or shredded rubber are good surfaces.
More random images from our playground. I think I'm finally figuring out this close-up thing!
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