Let's start out easy. What's your favorite food?
Chicken 'n dumplings, pizza and steak.
What's your favorite thing to do with friends?
Joke around.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
An inventor.
What's your favorite TV show?
Future Weapons, Life with Derek and Home Improvement.
What's your favorite thing to do with your family?
Have a family night (where we go out to eat and then to the movies or bowling or something like that),
What's something you would like to do with your family?
Swim with dolphins or some outside activity.
You are sad when?
When somebody kind gets hurt.
You are happy when?
When I'm playing and having fun, and when there is no fighting.
If you had 3 wishes, what would they be?
I would wish for immortality (to end whenever I wished), wings and to be able to breathe in outer Space.
What does your mom want you to do?
To get in good shape and get good grades.
What was your scariest dream?
My mom being chased by a stalker.
If you were handed a million dollars today, what would you do with it?
A new house, a maid, invest it to improve profits and donate the interest.
This was a small glimpse into the mind of a genius pre-teen. Coming tomorrow....interview with a 6-year-old! And, the day after that....interview with a 4-year-old!
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