We found a great house with a nice yard and a pleasant looking neighborhood. However, turns out the people who live on our street didn't go out of their way to welcome us into their hood. I was shocked no one appeared on our doorsteps with freshly baked cookies or casserole dishes. No one showed up to introduce themselves or find out more about us. Am I naive in expecting this? What has happened to friendly suburb America?
Well, after being here six months now, we have met some neighbors (when they came to our door selling boy scout popcorn, girl scout cookies and other school fundraisers). We did our part by ordering a little bit of everything. Some neighbors have waved and smiled in passing. But, the most boggling of all, is this one house on our street where the inhabitants never make eye contact or wave or try to be friendly at all!
I thought it was in everyone's nature to be friendly. These people have shaken my faith. Are they totally weird or have we inadvertantly done something to turn them off? Certain that it couldn't be US, our family has now made a habit of trying to figure these people out. They're weird, and these are our reasons why, so far:
1. They don't recycle. (Everyone on our street recycles. It's so easy here. No sorting, you just throw it all in a big garbage can container.)
2. They don't put up any decorations at all for any holiday. (We've been here for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Valentine's Day so far. Not a hint of celebration.)
3. They never have guests.
4. They never wave, smile or make ANY eye contact at all.
5. They are obsessive about their yard work. My husband saw them yelling at an old man who walked on their grass.
6. They rev a loud, annoying car daily and rearrange it in the driveway obsessively.
I'll let you know if we discover anything more about them. They might as well live in a house like the one pictured above (but they don't).
OH, how could I forget. #7. Anytime we have guests, they park one of their cars across the entrance to their driveway, so that no one will attempt to use their driveway to turn around. A little strange...
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