My show today on Radio Sandy Springs will be mainly devoted to a discussion of Groundhog Day. Perhaps I’ll even share a Groundhog Recipe.
The show is at 4 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, but today I’ll be recording it early so the station’s engineering staff can go home early to watch the interminable pre-game shows. It is, after all, Stupid-Bowl Sunday.
You can catch the show on 1620 AM, but only if you’re smack-dab in the heart of Sandy Springs. However, if you have a computer (you do have a computer, don’t you?), you can listen to live streaming audio at www.radiosandysprings.com.
Eventually, the techies will get around to posting the show archives, so check the Radio Sandy Springs site often. Because you have plenty of time to waste, don’t you? I mean, here you are, surfing the ’Net and reading blogs...
Speaking of radio shows, Steve H. Graham, the twisted genius behind Hog on Ice, has a show Sundays at 7 p.m. EST and most weekdays at noon on nowlive. The show, Code Blue Cooking, is largely devoted to Steve’s incredibly-good-tasting-but-bad-for-you recipes. Learn how to make the best pizza you’ll ever put in your mouth...or how to make a Real Steak.
Steve is the author of the soon-to-be-released Eat All You Want and Die Like A Man: The World’s Unhealthiest Cookbook, a cookbook for Manly Men with a death wish. I own an earlier edition of the book, and it’s not only hysterically funny, it’s chock-full of recipes that will stop your heart. Bacon grease figures prominently as an ingredient in many of the dishes...including the Belgian Waffles.
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