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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My 5 Dream Jobs

When I was younger, I wanted to be Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman.

And then as I grew older, I figured I either be a writer or a doctor.

Everyone now and then I get a wild hair and decide there's something I absolutely MUST do. 

Recently? I decided I wanted to train Annie to be a search and rescue dog so we could help out when children go missing or during tragedies...

And I really wanted a farm so I could grow fruit and vegetables and have lots of animals, including a dairy cow and chickens...

Which led me to ponder 5 jobs I'd enjoy:

1. Professional Traveler - I'd love to be paid to travel and write about it.
2. Island Caretaker - Pay me to live in your exotic island getaway
3. Book Reviewer - I'd love to read books all day and review them.
4. Electronic Gadget Reviewer - New technolgy, fun, fun, fun!
5. Best selling author - paid to live out your imagination on paper.

What about you?
What did you want to be?
What is your dream job?

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