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Sunday, November 14, 2010

From the Farm

Our chickens have been on strike -- well actually they're moulting and not laying. This happens at least once a year and I don't begrudge then their rest. But it means we're only getting one or two eggs a day and have had to supplement with store-bought. 

I buy only eggs from  'cage-free, humanely raised' chickens but even so, look at the difference in these yolks! The store-bought version is a pale shadow of the Real Thing from our chickens.
But though we're almost out of eggs, the milk is flowing!
Behold! Homemade butter, courtesy of Justin and Claui (and, of course, Marigold.) And lovely milk with a bit of top cream. (Some has already been skimmed to make butter.)

I'm so proud of those young uns!
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