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Friday, March 6, 2009

Masks are meant to hide things, right?

My 12 yr old, Donny, had another project due this week at school.

This one had something to do with Nigerian culture.

So, after working all day, then hurrying to the middle school for a parents' meeting about 7th grade class choices for next year, Donny & I stopped by the craft store, Michaels, to pick up supplies.

We bought beads, model magic, feathers and ribbon.

And, when he got home from school the next day,
he made this...

It's a mask similar to one the Nigerian tribe spiritual leader would have.

He would wear it in ceremonies.

And, get this, his wife would have made it for him.

This gives me an idea.

Let's all make masks for the male in our life.

And make them wear it to church.
Or in bed.

I'd love to visit Africa.

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