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Sunday, September 28, 2008

You only thought you knew me...

Earlier this week I posted about my new Texas Word Tangle car decal
that I got from Monogram Chick.
I'm totally in love with it and with Monogram Chick's products.

Monogram Chick

And, when I found out she tagged me on her blog, I decided to participate.
So, here we go.

7 Weird/Random Facts About Me:

1. I read really fast. I think it's because I grew up on a ranch without TV and spent a lot of time reading.

2. I peed in the ruins at Pompeii, (you know, the city completely covered by a volcano eruption in Italy), because we were on a tour and couldn't find a bathroom. That's probably illegal or defacing history or something like that. But, when you gotta go, you gotta go.

3. I was involved in the theater when I was a child. I was an orphan in Annie and Greta, the youngest Von Trapp child in The Sound of Music.

4. I saw my first Shakespeare play in England in a huge park. It was A Midsummer's Night Dream, and it was completely magical.

5. I received my first massage and snow skied for the first time, all in the same week, when my family visited Canyon Ranch in Massachusetts when I was about 14 or so.

6. I saved my mom's purse from a thief in Mexico City when I was around seven years old.

7. In 5th grade I won the school science fair for making fossils, and I was the second fastest runner in the school. That may have been me in my prime. It's been all downhill since then.

and now I'm tagging some new friends:

1. Marlene - Country Girl on Chesapeake Bay

2. Jen - Steenky Bee

3. Jennifer & Sandi - Minnesota and Texas

4. Carrie - Life in the Slow Lane

5. Gingela5 - My Dogumentary

6. Justine - Justine's Froggy Bloggy

7. Scargosun

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