The area we live in is partly rural but also growing and developing in leaps and bounds, so the acres of corn fields have numbered days left, I'm sure. I love the rows and rows of corn and other crops growing alongside the highway and backroads. I made the kids come with me, pulled over along the side of the road and got out with my camera.
The boys were suprisingly game after they
were bribed realized how important it was to me.
I used them to show how tall this corn was. Taller than them, as you can see. Donny's about 5 feet tall (and only inches from being taller than I am!!).
Let me take a moment to apologize for something. In my last few posts Remy has been wearing the same shirt...over and over and over again. I'd like to say he has several of the same shirt or I am washing it nightly, but no, this child hates to change clothes and has been wearing this shirt for like a week straight. Bad, I know. He really likes that gold shiny team shirt.
Ok, back to the corn. I went into the towering corn and crouched down to get a picture down the row.
Well, it doesn't really look like corn yet...more like cute little stringy pompoms, actually.
I made the kids come in with me. We went so far in we couldn't see the road or our car anymore. I think they enjoyed venturing into the wild corn forest with me. They're such good sports and still smiling, although Donny started to mention snakes at this point and Remy began to freak out a little!!
No freakin' way. Look at the bottom of these stalks! They are like little feet or pedestals. Have you ever seen this before? I had no idea it looked like this on the bottom. I'm totally fascinated.
I think I've gone corn crazy. We never grew it on our ranch when I was growing up. But, I do remember playing in a corn field once with my little sister, pretending we were lost in a maze of corn. It was fun. I wanted my boys to feel a little bit of that...and I needed to get in touch with nature again. I love living so close to the country...yet having the convenience of the big city so close by.
I'd really love to own more land. If we weren't so concerned about being in a good school district, I'd be tempted to go for it. Grow plants or animals. I think I could be very content this way.
Then, get ready for this, as I'm taking a picture of this thistle...
a butterfly flies into the frame just as I take my photograph. My miracle moment, the money shot!!! I was so excited!! The magic of nature and photography coming together serendipitously.
At this point, I was content. I'd gotten pictures of the corn and nature, and I was happy again.
So, yes, I went a little crazy, but weren't these fun pictures? Did you enjoyed our little field trip?
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