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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fighting Pollution One Grocery Bag At A Time


Would you look at these great shopping bags!  They were at Tractor Supply (my one stop shopping place for pet food, chicken feed, sunflower seed, and all kinds of nifty farm related stuff.) 

These caught my eye because they are really sturdy and were cheap (under two dollars.)
For years, ever since becoming aware of the pollution caused by plastic bags, I've had a motley assortment of canvas bags to put my groceries in -- some bought for the purpose, others souvenirs of various book fairs and mystery conventions. (I need a bunch because I generally only shop once a week. The rest of the time the bags stay in the back of my car.)

The canvas bags have worked well -- but they have one major failing. Unlike paper bags or  the plastic bags on the little racks, my canvas bags need to be held open while they're being filled. Sometimes I feel that the bag boys groan when they see me and my virtuous canvas bags.
Now that I have these snazzy carriers,  I won't have to apologize to the bag boys.  I will, however, have to make sure they don't fill the bags so full and so heavy I can't carry them from the car into my house.  I'm pretty sure the bag I schlepped today weighed about thirty five pounds. Or more.

I did say they were sturdy.
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