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Monday, July 7, 2008

Google This, Man.

This is my first GOOGLE post. I've seen it before on countless blogs....where bloggers post all the hilarious, bizarre and freaky search words that led people to their blogs.

Well, now it's MY turn.

I'm kind of sad because with my blog address change, Google has lost me.

I'm unsearchable.

I'm invisible.

I don't exsist if Google can't find me.

I don't know how long it's going to take to be found again. I submitted my blog to their search engine again with the new address, but who knows.

So, due to an absence of funny search word results, here are some words people have searched with in the past and ended up on my blog:

Why am I afraid of pool drains? Oh man, when you figure that out, let me know, because I am too.

Bubblegum in Latin Dude, Romans didn't have bubble gum, so there IS no word for it. AND, let me clue you in, no one speaks Latin anymore, except the Pope, and I don't know about you but I haven't spoken to him lately...

Really, really intellectual things to say Oh, dude, you are SO at the wrong spot. I mean, I'm smart but I don't go around talking intellectually.

Sticky balls leave marks No kidding. Ours was up on the ceiling for months until my husband took it down. I had someone tell me they had one on their ceiling for a year. I think ours would have been. And, yes, it left a mark.

Can seals feel love Let me show you this picture, and you tell me what you think...

I see mommy/baby love here. Enough said.

Texas word for house Ummm, I hate to break it to you, but we here in Texas, we mainly speak ENGLISH. So, the answer you're lookin' for is HOUSE. Now, sometimes we use the Spanish word CASA but that's Spanish, not Texan.

Frog does not drink up the pond Well, I'm not sure what to say. What's really scary is that this phrase has shown up more than once and in different variations over a long period of time. Is this some secret agent code or something?

Break out on butt OMG, I'm so sorry. No one should have to deal with that. That totally sucks. Not sure why this led to me though, because I've never posted about butt break outs at all.

Butt Facials Oh, yeah, I did do a post on this. hehe It was funny.

Souped up Johns Ok, guilty. I had this picture and a whole post about it:

Cow teats or cow udders I get a LOT of searches with these words. I mean, at least 40 or so. Not sure why everyone's interested in this. Yes, I milked cows growing up on a ranch...and I recently bought my husband a cow udder cup from Wisconsin when I was up there for a writing retreat. And, being the sweetie he is, he used it, a lot. BUT, it just broke. I'm so sad. It shattered but I saved a teat or two for the memories.

Last but not least, the most searched for phrase that brought people to my blog was:

Hot Blondes, Hot TX Blondes, blondes in short-shorts Bet this isn't exactly what they were looking for. hehe It was a post about me as a child:

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