June 26th -- the two turkey hens and their mingled brood of around 14 poults visit our feeder.
Since then I've been enjoying watching them grow and they've gotten pretty used to my darting out onto the deck to take their picture.
There seem to be only 9 poults left -- but that's a pretty good survival rate, considering how many predators are on the mountain.
Handsome birds with elegant plumage -- and there's one pale one. Almost all the turkey flocks we've seen on the mountain in the past include one or two near-white birds.
But here I am nattering on about turkeys when what I need to do is to announce the winner of the drawing for KILLER RECIPES -- which if you didn't win, you could always order HERE,
Remember, all proceeds to the American Cancer Society!
And the winner is . . .
(Drumroll) Debra Eisert!!! And then I drew again and that second winner is NCmountainwoman!!!
I'll put those cookbooks in the mail this week -- but first I need addresses. You winners, please email me at
vicki_laneYOUKNOW WHAT TO PUT HEREmtnareaDOTnet
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