Around the holidays, when large groups of family are gathered, we play a game that we call "Dictionary."
All you need it a dictionary, pencils & paper.
We tear the paper into little squares and pass them out to everyone along with the pencils.
And then the fun begins.
Whoever goes first opens the dictionary...and
picks out a word that they think no one knows.
Then everyone writes down what they
think the word means...on their squares of paper.
The paper is then gathered and the person reads out all the defintions.
We all try to
guess who wrote which one...and then we find out the
real definition.
The person who was the closest gets to choose the next word.
It's so much fun.
Someone in my family choose the word "Karakorum." [kahr-uh-kawr-uhm]
Here are some of the guesses:
- a distilled spirit made from yak milk and carrots - burned in volcanic ash for 10 years before drinking. Popular in Papa New Guinea.
- a gathering of cars sufficient to vote.
- a tropical fruit that tastes like burned toast.
- a ruined city in central Mongolian People's Republic.
- an ancient tirual involving, among other things, decor of carrots and steamed beets.
- the sound a green beetle makes when someone steps on it.
- a very rare liquor found deep in the karakangaroos' veins.
Another family member choose the word "Muleta" [moo-ley-tuh] and here are the definitions:
- a mule that "et" too much.
- a tie that is made of cow skin found in Africa.
- a red cloth on a stick used by a matador
- slang for "meet ya later" used by gangsta munchkins.
- an east African bread, commonly served with fried sandfly soup and cinnamon green sauce.
- a social afternoon party gathering of mules where tea is served.
- a big glob of mucus stuck together.
- a little boy mule after the Big Surgery!
This game will make you wonder who your family really is!
Can you guess the REAL definitions of Muleta & Karakorum?!!
(without cheating!)