Between rain showers yesterday, I managed to get out in the yard and garden for a while.
I don't know the name of this little coral-colored rose but it's one of my favorites.
It's been there in the bed by the green house for about twenty years, at a guess and, if past years are any guide, will bloom from now till frost.
There is a nice flush of shitakes on the inoculated logs -- I foresee another asparagus/shitake stir fry in our future.
The spiderwort is blooming in the creepy garden.
The banties are happy in their chicken tractor.
In the herb garden, the sage is blooming and fat bumble bees wiggle their way deep into the blossoms.
The box beds were full of weeds which have outdone themselves with all the rain. I filled a tub to take to the big chickens and threw a wad of crisp green chickweed to the banties -- along with assorted slugs, earthworms, and wood lice.
Across the road from the garden I spotted a clump of Blue-eyed Grass.
This tiny (the bloom is about the size of my little finger's nail) wild flower is a member of the iris family and though not exactly showy is utterly charming.
A lovely find on a day in late spring.
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