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Gee...who knew?
This is a picture of the snow cone I did end up buying, because the tent was so hot we were sweating on top of our sweat.
The high point of the visit was riding the animals available. First up was the camel ride...
Then the elephant ride! Too cool. My boys are in the middle, don't know who all the other people are...
Now, the elephant can sense that I'm looking for good blog material, so it gives me a pose...
Saggy, elephant butt, can't go wrong with that! My boys were on the elephant at the time it did this, and they said they ended up leaning to one side as the elephant shifted its weight. It was a little scary for them, the (big wusses) little darlings. Just kidding!
Now we need a picture of camel butt...
As I tried to ignore the flashing subliminal messages they sent to tempt me into eating something bad...
Then the scary clowns arrived...
and they had women doing this...
and finally, we escaped out of the hot tent back to the animals outside.
This llama was chillin' (look at what's in his mouth!)
and this llamabelow needs to visit an orthodontist!!
And, finally, we saw lots of this...
She has such a wonderful, simple life. We adopted her from DFW Lab Rescue this summer, and she came with her name. She's two or three years old. She's fed, loved, sleeps with my boys, gets lots of love and car rides. What a wonderful life!
She does have some weird habits. She licks, constantly, herself and others. Then there's the butt scootch. I'll try to capture that on camera someday. It's hilarious. She keeps getting ear infections, more than my kids ever had, apparently that's a lab thing.
Donny, my eleven year old, woke up this morning to her barfing on his bed.
Coming later today, possible post on a past Mexico trip and/or our experience at the scary roadside circus excursion planned for today!
We decided to take a walk to our neighborhood creek. Here, Sweet Cheeks is trying to control Annie, who is overcome with a love for nature and trying to sniff everything...I don't think Sweet Cheeks has the muscle to win this one...
And, of course, kids being kids, they can't resist the creek. My son Donny manages to talk his pretty little cousins into walking over near the mud...and before you know it, Miss Thing has fallen on her butt in the mud. I don't think she gets dirty often...check out the look of dismay on her face...
The Monkey is not far behind...she embraces her dirty side with less screaming than Miss Thing, but you can tell they both don't get this dirty children have such a great effect on other kids, don't they? Sorry, K and Flyboy! The Monkey's facial expressions are so worth capturing on film...enjoy:
Oh, The Monkey is loving it, you know it, despite those dramatic faces...
Here go Miss Thing, The Monkey and Donny farther down the creek...
And, of course, Annie the lab can't take it anymore, she has to join them.
Ok, I think The Monkey has had enough mud time. She isn't looking so happy anymore.
Miss Thing always has a pose for the camera though, even covered in mud. Cutie.
Annie has had a blast. Wet dog though, that doesn't have me smiling anymore...think she dried off on the walk home? No, of course not...